Poetry 2009-2010


Poetry 2009-2010

By Kaitlin Awe

Second star on the right and strait on till morning
When boys were icky
When love meant kissing
When kissing was gross
The time of make believe


When escape was an imagination away
Second star on the right and straight on till morning
When time was submersed in

You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!
to me.

That life has past,
We’ve bid farewell.
But we cling
To the simplicity
Don’t say goodbye, goodbye means leaving...
and leaving means forgetting...

If love is a dream,
Sunday is waking up.
Move along, no time to make believe
We wish for more time...
We dream of time spent, of time to come...

Sunday means leaving
Sunday means saying goodbye
Don’t say goodbye, goodbye means leaving...
a nd leaving means forgetting...

We cling to Never Land
We hold on to each other
Sunday comes, still
We leave
and promise not to forget.

By Justin Busch

The lights in the express bus dim for lethargic countenance.
but I am wide awake, in my lingering vessel.
The foreign world on the other side of this glass
illuminates its beacons and guides our transport along

an eight-lane boulevard into the depths of the incandescence.
I inhale sharply, abruptly aware of life’s new velocity
and the taillights blurring past us.

As we slip through the threshold into the epicenter
bathing in glimmering brilliance, my eyes slowly
compose themselves. Structures seem crowded as do
faces meandering on the sidewalks, in doorways, and at sale carts.

The first step off the bus and into the ambiance is intoxicating
and overwhelming. Faces speaking a language I have not yet learned,
details of smell overpowering rational thought process.

Behind the lights, darkness
Beyond exoticism, revelations
Behind my eyes,
Secrets will disentangle.

Summer Memory
By Rosa Jundt

Your words caressed just like a lover
that summer. Our friendship turned to heat
it flows in a constant reminder…

June, July, and August we were together.
Holding hands on the beach and in the backseat
your words caressed just like a lover.

Each bright, new day I was eager
to greet the morning sun’s heat
It flows in a constant reminder…

The gentle words you’d whisper
Nothing since could be as sweet…
your words caressed just like a lover.

In a short time, I was changed forever.
And just like my heart, the memory beats…
It flows as a constant reminder.

I can look back at that passionate summer
With no regrets at the memory of you. I’ll keep
Your words caressed just like a lover
as they flow as a constant reminder.

Lay Me Away
By D.R. Kennedy

Curled up tightly in a ball,
Beside an insipid oak tree,
Did my soul fall and then call
For someone to set me free.

Loneliness, Pain, Regret and Remorse
Play with me the livelong day.
They lash out at me in full force,
Willed to make me pay.

No matter where I run at all,
No matter where I go,
I'm still just curled up in a ball
Looking for a place to grow.

Someone somewhere please pick my seed
And take me where you may,
Before I wither up and bleed
Exactly where I lay.

High School Students
By Rose Long

Each Student is different
They lead different lives
Have different opinions
Handle things in different ways
But they are all reaching for the same goal together.

Each Student struggles
Struggles to fit in
Struggles to stand out
Struggles to be independent
Struggles to be accepted
But they are all reaching for the same goal together.

That goal is Graduation and the Future
Each student has termination to reach this goal
Each for their own reasons
Each student is different in how they are approaching this goal
But they are reaching for this goal together as a class.

So cherish the memories along the way
Cherish the time with the people all around you
Family, Friends, Classmates, and Teachers
Soon each one of you will be going in different directions
And the memories will be all that you have.

So enjoy the time together as you are reaching for this goal
Of Graduation and the Future
And remember to have fun
Because soon the time together will be over
And the memories will be all that you have.

By Bryce Mills

Heaven is the trick
The troll under the bridge
The goats with a lie to save the day
The day is lost and the troll is gone
Heaven is a card trick
All the cards are the same
Not a single Ace in the deck
Not a single one is your card
Heaven is the prize
A ring in the Cracker Jack box
A ring to bring happiness forever
They don't make rings anymore
Heaven is a joke
A comic on the stage
Speaking the words
To an unlaughing audience
Heaven is the bait
A cat after the nip
The god dangling it above
Just to make you jump up and never reach
Heaven is the Hoax
It's just a lie
A lullaby for the kids
A Santa Claus no one wants to give up believing
There is no one delivering the presents
No reindeer
No jolly old man
There is no heaven
Go to bed and dream it's not a lie
Go to bed and sleep eternal
Sleep away in your heaven


By K. K. Nixon

You've been cut so many times you cannot speak

Only you never knew you've been cut

You've been cut so many times you cannot breath

the air has been sucked out

language fails you

you're on your own

Speechless gestures





And only just found out

you try





you must redefine

cut off

Only this time

its your fault

You shut Him down

shut Him off

shut Him up

He'd help you

if only you try

if only you listen

Instead you've placed Him on a shelf

where he collects dust

Patiently Waiting

Patiently Watching

Loving you with all your faults

Patiently waiting to bind the wounds

you cut

By Kaitlin Reed

I’m sorry we had to flush you.
You were a cute little fish.

You were white and orange and fat.
Your little eyes were buggy and round.

You always made those weird, little faces
While swimming with your fellow fishies.

You liked to swim around in your little tank
And eat all those little fish flakes for lunch.

You could always be found in your cave
Or playing dead at the bottom of your bowl.

Then one day we realized you weren’t playing
when you stuck to a plant floating near the top.

If only we had disposed of you right away,
We wouldn’t have had to throw the fake plant, too.